Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Balance in all things

I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but I love my football. It’s great seeing all the different cultures coming together in a common task of sport. One of the things I have always tried to do is pick up a football shirt from every country I’ve visited. Then during either the World Cup or the European Finals I wear the shirt of the country I’ve visited. So yesterday I wore the football tops of Mexico, Germany and Brazil. Today I will wear Belgium’s top and my England shirt later.

It’s all a good distraction because I’m actually feeling a bit pants to be honest. I keep going dizzy and sick and my blood pressure is fluctuating between too low and too high.

To make matters worse I am finally having my two ingrowing toenails dealt with. This problem was caused by the high dose chemo. Oh well, such is life. It will be good to have it over and done with.

I am hoping that the reason I feel so tired and lethargic is because they are still working on achieving the correct dose of thyroid medicine.

Another aspect contributing to my tiredness is my appetite is poor.  I’ve now lost 19kgms since the transplant. I don’t think the dietician will be too happy with me when she sees me.  I’m also not brilliant on my drinking either. Everything just tastes off or seems to have a weird texture. It’s a hard situation to live with and just hope that it improves.

Despite all these trials and tribulations I have lots of things to look forward to. I’m going to see an aunt soon who I haven’t seen in ages, as well as catch up with my uncle and cousin. The older you get the more you realise how special it is to spend time with family old and new.

I also have a nice weekend shortly singing at Bath Abbey with The New Gloriana Choir. Really looking forward to my 3 nights away with them.

Finally I have a reunion with my old Parish choir coming up. We are going to have a meal together then do some singing and finish with Choral Evensong. I’ve been asked to sing the office. I’m looking forward to seeing so many of the old faces and the kids that have now got kids themselves.

Balance is key is all things. As you can see I try to keep a balance of good things and treats alongside hospital visits and procedures. Now I’m going to have to be brilliant at balancing when I have a bath. I already can’t lay in the bath because of my Hickman Line. Now I can’t get my toes wet for 6-8 weeks. This will require some contortions that I’m not sure I’m up to any more. Lol. Life hey? You might as well keep laughing.

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