Thursday, 1 November 2018

Rebel Rev says goodbye to her brilliant GP

Another day, another ECP session. Today though I had a nice surprise in the form of a pressie from Dave. Thank you for making me smile. 

I was at Kings all day yesterday. I saw the rheumatologist in the morning. He is happy to take a back seat just now with all that’s going on with Haematology and the GvHD. 

I then wandered round to haematology who wanted another swab of my PEG site. The last swab was positive for a different bug than the time before so they are double checking. They will phone and let me know if I need yet more antibiotics. I’ve still got an upset stomach from the last lot. Apparently there is a possibility those antibiotics have caused C-Diff. Having to wait for the results to see if this is true. 

While I was there I bumped into Emma. It was nice to catch up. It’s always good to have a face to face conversation. Hope you have no ill effects from your trip. Fingers crossed for the results. 

When I got home I went to see my GP. It was his last day after 31 years of serving the people of Charlton. We have developed a fantastic working relationship over the years. We haven’t always agreed but we both had enough respect to listen to each other. My life has certainly been blessed by being under his care for the last 27 years. It will take me a while to train another doctor. What has been great about my relationship with Derek is that we see ourselves as a partnership working on what’s in my best interest. He learned that pushing me to do something I wasn’t ready for was counter productive. I also learned that there were times when he was right and I had to go with his way of doing things. I am going to miss him so much. Derek I wish you all the luck in the world as you step out in faith to who knows where. You are a star. My love and respect goes with you. 

Todays ECP has gone well. Back again tomorrow and hopefully that will be it for this week. I suspect that there will be lots of additional appointments coming up. My cholesterol is still sky high even on a fasting blood test.  I also need to see someone because the pressure on the right side of my heart is a bit off. My PEG is still oozing pus. I have adrenal insufficiency. It’s likely I have peripheral neuropathy. I think I’ve got another little skin cancer on the back of my hand. I’m becoming increasingly anaemic again. Apart from that I‘M FINE! Lol. 

When I get out of here today (Guys Cancer Centre) I am going to collect the grandkids and head off to a Halloween Party to support the John Roan Resist Campaign. It’s good to have other things to concentrate on. Life doesn’t stop because I’m ill and not should it. My battle is working out how much I can do and how much to rest. Balance in all things is the name of the game. Let’s hope I can achieve that by the end of the weekend because at present the medical appointments are out in front so I need more mischief to counter balance. 

Wherever you are and whatever you are up to have fun and make sure you create some light and love wherever you go. 

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