Saturday, 8 December 2018

Rebel Rev is running out of steam

I’ve had an interesting a exhausting week. An altruistic stranger saved my life on Monday in the form of a blood transfusion. Usually that perks people, including me, right up but I didn’t feel any better for my “pint” of the red stuff!

Weds and Thurs I had ECP. I received this lovely Christmas card from the staff. It’s all the more poignant because 2 members of staff have just left. Monica and Ali will be really missed. Those of you that read my blogs regularly will know that relationships with staff in this context is different. I have ECP every 2 weeks for 2 consecutive days and have done for the last 15 months. I’m in the department for anything between 2.5hrs and 4hrs each day. That means you get to know the nurses well. You know what’s going on their lives. You look at their wedding photos and chat about their children and the issues that are important to them. In the same way you talk about yourself and what’s going on for you, not just the medical staff. When someone you’ve developed a good relationship with moves on, it’s like a mini bereavement. I wish them nothing but the best and I hope they know the difference they make to me and the lives of all the patients they serve.

On my way home, a huge wave of tiredness came over me. Despite the weather I had to open the windows and put some music on. Day 2 often leaves me wiped out.

There’s no rest for the wicked though. I am involved in a campaign called John Roan Resists - No to Academies. My grandchildren go to the local comprehensive school. It’s being forced to become an academy. The sponsor that has been allocated is the UST Academy chain. We have uncovered lots of reasons as to why no one should be in business with these people, yet alone trust them with the previous hound minds of our loved ones. I was asked to give a speech as a parent/grandparent representative. I’m always happy to do this sort of thing. Speaking in public comes easy to me. I also like doing things that are not hospital related. I’ve met a great bunch of committed and principled staff who are prepared to put their jobs on the line and a diverse group of parents too. What unites us all is that our children are not commodities to be bought and sold and their education is too important to leave to those who do not justify their fat cat salaries. Do check out our Facebook page and like our campaign if you agree.

Today I had to go back to haematology to check my blood and electrolyte levels. It seems my HB (haemaglobin) has only come up to 93 with the transfusion. Also I had to have another magnesium infusion. I hate having magnesium. It makes you feel so hot and sick. My calcium was also a bit low but they said I could leave that a bit longer. They want me back tues to check the levels again as I may need more blood as well as the replacement electrolytes.

I dozed off in the chair at one point and became aware that someone was holding my hand.  I opened my eyes to see Prof Mufti smiling at me. He asked how I was and gave me a hug. He is such a lovely man. How lucky am I to have this eminent doctor in my corner?

So 4 appointments this week. 5 appointments last week. Let’s hope things calm down. I’m itching to get my Christmas decs up. I just want to do some ordinary things. I also love creating a beautiful effect with lights.

Tomorrow I’m off to the theatre. It’s the last birthday treat for my long suffering partner. My sisters and their husbands are coming too. It’s going to be such a lovely surprise. Guess the Christmas decs will have to wait.

To finish off with, here’s a quote to inspire you to keep going and to be the change you want to see in the world.

 “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen

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