As my regular readers will know, I’ve been having a tough time since my Hickman Line blocked and was inaccessible for a few months. This created a flare in my GvHD symptoms that has not yet fully resolved despite the line working now and me accessing treatment again.
So I’ve been feeling below par for a few months. The last couple of weeks have seen more nausea and my skin is driving me nuts. It’s so itchy. Also as you can see from the photos, I am bruising very easily. When I got up today my eyes were fine. My daughter popped in and said “why have you got a black eye?” I laughed and said “I didn’t.” She made me look and as you can see she was right. Where it came from I have no idea.
Last night I was lying in bed feeling a bit rough and all of a sudden I knew I was going to be sick. I managed to get to the loo in time but I can’t kneel now so had to stand and be sick. This required me to be a good shot. Lol.
I came back to bed with a bowl and hoped it wasn’t the start of another period of intense puking. I woke up this morning feeling rough and with a headache that I haven’t shifted for 5 days. I feel quite nauseous too but I haven’t been sick again as of yet.
I have a clinic appointment tomorrow so that is good timing. Fingers crossed there is an easy answer to all of this.
It’s a struggle when things go on like this to keep your equilibrium. It could be easy to let fears about what’s going on grow. It’s easy to also allow all of this to dominate and take over emotionally as well as physically. I am happy most of the time and manage to stay on an even keel. The last couple of days I have felt down though. That is perfectly normal and I mustn’t let it get out of perspective. Who wouldn’t feel fed up with all this going on. Also I’ve always maintained that feeling sick and nauseous is the worst thing ever. I can cope with being life threateningly ill but I just hate the continuous nausea and vomiting. Let’s hope it’s short lived and that my lovely medical team have some suggestions tomorrow.
In the meantime, life goes on out there. I have family members in deep pain just now and friends struggling with life. These things are so important to me and I want all those having a hard time to know that I am holding you in the light and sending you lots of love and hugs until it hurts a little less.
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