Hi Everyone,
I did an update earlier with this image but it doesn’t seem to have posted. If you get it twice apologies.
As you know September is #bloodcancerawarenessmonth. As part of #makebloodcancervisible we have been raising the profile of MDS. I’m doing this by playing with the MDS letters. People are also encouraged to write a poem based on their understanding and knowledge of MDS or a person living with it or a carer working alongside. Fancy giving it a go? Patient Liaison Sophie is collecting poems for our website and newsletter. Why not try your hand at it??
#mylifewithcancer continues to be a struggle. I’ve been let out of hospital for a weekend pass. I have to go back early in the morning.
They need me back in because I have to have a procedure done under general anaesthetic. Once they get the results of this abnormal MRI via a biopsy they will decide on the next steps. So I wait to find out what’s causing all this malabsorption and pain in my gut. I also wait to find out what they are going to do about my empty bone marrow.
I don’t know about you but I find waiting for news is one of the hardest things. Once you know what you’re dealing with you just get on with it.
In the meantime I am enjoying my weekend of freedom. I had a lovely catch up with Mike and Debbie. It was lovely to be able to introduce them to pie n mash. We then wandered around Greenwich and I took them to the Royal Naval Chapel. There I had the nice surprise of bumping into Odette Penwarden who I haven’t seen in ages. Then we saw Pat too. Really lovely to touch base briefly. The final treat of the day was a pint (of coke) overlooking the river at The Trafalgar Tavern. It was a brilliant way to get away from all things hospital related and a real treat.
The treats continued today with entertaining the kids and grandkids. In that respect I am well and truly blessed.
This is also a reminder to you to let or Gail Thompson know if you plan to come on October 19 to our charity fundraiser. Tickets MUST be purchased in advance and are going for a very reasonable £10 for food and entertainment and a free glass of bubbly. Just let one of us know.
In the meantime enjoy the sunshine. Love and hugs Xx
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