Friday, 30 August 2024

Don’t call CSI

Hello folks,

I woke up to the scene of a mini massacre yesterday morning. Lol. Since I had the stroke in 2021 I’ve had to take blood thinners. Also my skin is very frail from all the steroids. I somehow banged my elbow in the night and slightly skinned it. It didn’t wake me up but it did make me bleed. I managed to get the sheet, the mattress topper, the duvet and duvet cover, pillow and pillowcase. I couldn’t have done better if I tried in making sure I spread it over every bit of bed linen. Lol. 

I must’ve been somewhat aware because I was a bit restless for me and kept putting the radio back on every hour till about 3am. 

I’m having a lovely time in Ireland but it’s made me really aware of how challenging it is to live in an able bodied world when you are differently abled. I’m in rural Kerry which is quite remote. There is a road/track down to the village that’s about a kilometre away. You need to be a brave soul to cope with the camber of the road on the mobility scooter. I was sure I’d end up in the ditch. It’s also VERY bumpy. Then in the nearest towns there are fewer places to be able to cross the road as far less dropped kerbs. There are a lot less differently abled people around it seems so when I’m out and about the kids really stare. I don’t mind and I just wave at them. If I’m not wearing the mask I give them a big smile too. Most times they smile and wave back.

After waking up to the massacre yesterday I was hoping for a better night last night  I’d had a bit of a bad day with nausea and lack of appetite so was looking forward to a good nights sleep  my body decided otherwise  I started to cough and it kept waking me up  I also had a scratchy throat. Even in my drowsy state I knew that wasn’t a good sign. This morning I have a very deep gravelly voice, a sore throat and a cough and a horrible headache. Have you guessed what’s coming? I have bloody covid again. Oh my days what is it with my trips to Ireland and getting covid. I got it here for the first time last year and it caused me problems from July through to March. I still have remnants of the impact of the set of infections that were set up by the original covid infection. 

My timing is always good. It seems most of the team that know me back in London are on A/L. This is very important as they all work so hard but the timing sucks. Lol  I need someone from Kings to contact Cork haematology to arrange the medication I need. Why do these things always happen on a Friday? Let’s hope it gets sorted. 

Despite all this it’s done my soul good to be in these mountains and such beautiful surroundings. I send you back some Irish friendliness and a dollop of love and hugs.


  1. Oh dear, so very sorry, get well soon, Angela 😊

  2. Thank you. All is good now.
