Sunday, 18 August 2024

I’m now bionic!

Hello lovely people out in the virtual world. I hope this blog finds you in an ok place. If you are doing it tough just now, I hope this blog gives you comfort and strength. 

My set of miracles has continued unexpectedly for me lately. I’m still in shock about it all in many respects. As those who read my blogs know two weeks ago I had a cataract operation. For the first time in my life I’m not wearing glasses except to read. It still seems so weird. I’m slowly adjusting and getting better at remembering to take my reading glasses with me. 

Well if that wasn’t good enough news I then had an appointment with the lovely April who is a dentist at Guys. She’s been doing some work for me over this last year. I’ve had to wear a denture for 4 years now. I snapped my front tooth munching into a raw brussel sprout. I had previously snapped another one eating a chocolate matchstick. I have all the luck. Many of my teeth have cracked and come out and I suspect a few more will go before it’s all finished. I’ve hated the denture with a passion since I’ve had it. Guys were really good and made another bespoke one with metal plate that would be better for seaming the temperature of food. The problem is I hate having things in my mouth. I’ve suffered from chronic nausea for many years now and the denture just added to my struggles. Also food would get trapped underneath and when I took the denture out this debris would turn into gags ville for me. My very dry mouth at times was the icing on the cake as to why it was so hard to wear these well made teeth. 

I really wanted implants to sort me out as they are permanent and transforming. Unfortunately with my osteoporosis/osteopenia and lack of immune system this is just not an option. Instead the fantastic team at Guys decided they could put a tooth in the front gap with a wing back bridge to the next tooth. This keeps the integrity of the good tooth and means nothing bulky in my mouth. 

I was a bit nervous on the day as I’m not keen on dentists but also because I was worried it wouldn’t work. I need not have worried. April did a grand job as you can see from the photo. I feel like I’ve been given my smile back. Before I had this done, when I was at home, I’d take the denture out because I hated it so much. This meant I didn’t smile if someone unexpectedly came to the door. I was always putting my hand over my mouth. I’m so grateful to the team at Guys who have looked after me so well over many years. I hope you know how appreciated you are. 

My final miracle is that despite being in close proximity to someone who had Covid, I didn’t pick the virus up. I’m still in shock about this. I’m as cautious as I can be but sometimes despite that, you come into contact with things. This happened a few days before we were due to sail to Ireland for 3 weeks. What is it about me and Ireland and Covid? Despite being exhausted from the journey and needing two days to recover, I have still not come down with anything. Wow! Ain’t that amazing? 

Life is so full of ups and downs for those of us that live differently abled lives and who carry the burden of the effects of cancer treatments. I’m glad to be able to share with you these modern day miracles. I hope it encourages you all to keep plodding on till you meet some of these angels in the form of medics. 

I leave you with some photos of the beautiful scenery around me from the lovely mountains of Kerry. 


  1. On the up in so many ways, Kes. Heartening news.

  2. Thank you. Long may it last. Xx

  3. Great photos there Kes. Great to here you are doing so well - long may it continue

  4. Thank you. Not sure who makes these comments as it all comes up as anonymous. It’s appreciated. Xx

  5. Great photos & uplifting post Kes . So pleased that life has been so much better for you. It really is the small things that can be so transformative. xx

  6. Thank you. It’s true that it’s the little things that really help. Xx

  7. You are amazing ! Glad things are good for you šŸ˜Š x
