Friday, 29 December 2017

Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet!

Hi there everyone,

Hope your christmasses have brought some light and love to your lives. If Christmas is a tough time for you, I hope you have come out the other side ok.

I’ve just recorded a review of my year for BBC Radio Kent. So much has happened. It’s incredible when you look back in one session at all the ups and downs.

What I’ve realised is I finish the year stronger both physically and emotionally from how I started the year and I’ve learnt lots about myself.

I also finish the year having the strength to start taking Church services once more and maybe being able to do some voluntary work.

That doesn’t mean life is plain sailing. I woke up Boxing Day to discover I had some deep purple bruises. Very pretty colour but I have no recollection of knocking myself. Weird or what?

The last couple of weeks my legs have been swelling too. This seems to be getting worse. I start the day with them puffy and by the end of the day I have no ankles and not much knee either. They are also so heavy and stiff. I’ve no idea why this is happening but I guess it will all become clear at some point.

Tomorrow I am off to Guys Cancer Centre to have a urokianase Infusion over 2 hours. The ECP nurses don’t think it will work but the IV specialist team want to try it to see if they can get my line working properly.  My little sis Gail is coming with me and we are going to have a nice afternoon together after by having lunch and then going to visit The Shard.

It’s so important to have a mixture of nice treats alongside all the challenges and hospital appointments. I’m looking forward to there being more treats this year and lots more mischief...

If you have an idea for some treats or mischief that you’d like to take me on, get in touch. I know I haven’t been able to see all of you since the transplant. I know I also have some treats left over from my 50th birthday that have been on long term hold. If you can remember making an offer, I feel I’m now ready to do these things. Please send me a private message with the suggestion of a few dates.

So as we come to the end of the year and thinking about starting afresh, I would just like to remind you that 365 days means 365 new chances and it’s up to you what you do with those opportunities. I hope you enjoy all the possibilities that come your way and hold on to the fact that some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet.

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