Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Rebel Rev finds out she has 2 flu viruses

Dear All. Today’s update which has some good news and some bad news.

Firstly hope you like my Kinky Boots socks. Fun aren’t they. Thanks Dawn I love them. Bet you do too Gail.

Secondly I saw the doctor this morning. She told me that alongside influenza A and the line infection and chest infection, I also have tested positive for parainfluenza type 3. I’m obviously just greedy. You couldn’t make it up could you? If all this was happening to a character on Holby City, you wouldn’t believe it and think they were being over dramatic. Maybe someone should write my blogs up as a TV script. Lol.

The 3rd bit of news is that I went to audiology and they were lovely and very understanding of my predicament. They gave me a new hearing aid and have also arranged another hearing test for next week. This will assess if the antibiotics have damaged my hearing any further. I could’ve kissed them I was so happy. I was distraught at the thought of having to go back to standard hearing aids. That would’ve meant no more singing and that’s at least the one thing I can still do.

4th bit of news I went to ECP. They all hid because they knew I was coming without a line. Lol. It took 7 attempts to cannulate me. I had two attempts up in my bicep and one on my triceps as well as 4 attempts in the usual places. I’m black and blue and very sore now. The nurses looking after me today were the lovely Sukran and Anna. They both went above and beyond the call of duty. They had to stay with me to cajole the cannulas to keep working. The machine wasn’t happy and kept beeping. They were determined that I should at least have some treatment. They managed to get a half treatment completed which was an incredible achievement in very difficult circumstances. Thank you both. You were stars.

Due to how difficult it was they have cancelled tomorrow’s session and think it’s kinder to wait until I have a new line.

My last bit of news concerns many of you. I am utterly gobsmacked at the huge outpouring of love and support for me via the fundraiser that Richard and Lyn set up. Words fail me and I feel very humbled to have so many amazing people in my corner. I never asked for this to happen and on one level feel a bit embarrassed. That’s my problem though. I understand that people often feel helpless. Many of you want to offer to help but maybe live too far away or don’t know what you can do. I know people only give if they want to and it’s the fact that you want to that gives me such a warm glow inside and makes my spirit lighter. The fact that the target was exceeded in 48hrs is astounding. You are all special and even though I don’t know who you are, apart from those who’ve said, I am holding you in the light and counting the blessing of having you in my life.

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