Monday, 11 March 2019

10 March X4

These pictures were taken on 10th March 4 years in a row. In the 2016 photo I was an in patient at Kings. It was a long and painful admission which left me requiring surgery. I had an awful infection and sepsis. It was during this admission that my wonderful team decided I had no choice but to face a transplant. 

The 2017 snap is 5 months post transplant and my hair is growing back. 

2018 the hair is course and thick and a different colour and the weight is coming off as the GvHD takes hold. 

2019 and I’m finally back in my old clothes that I haven’t worn for around 5 years. Good job I didn’t throw them away. Hair is still settling. I have curly patches rather than it being all wavey now. People often think I’ve dyed it but I haven’t. 

It’s good to have these photos to look back on and see the progress that has been made. 
I know I’ve got a long way to go still but I’m glad I can smile and keep going. 

My latest news is that I still have no working Hickman Line. This means I haven’t had ECP for a month now. I feel awful. I’m really stiff. My shoulders have seized up, my neck is stiff, I have gut ache most of the time. My eyes are really dry and I’m exhausted. On top of that my knees and hips and giving me jip and I have a load of sores in my mouth. Apart from that I’M FINE. Lol. 

Let’s hope they get the line going soon so I can recommence ECP as well as have the retuximab that also might help some of these awful GvHD symptoms. 

I wonder what next years photo will look like?

Thank you to all of you who have walked beside me for some or all of this torturous journey. I know it’s been tough on you as well as me. You love, prayers and support mean so much and really do make a difference. 

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