Saturday 20 April 2013

Reaching out to those you don't meet

My senior colleague had now come back to work after the best part of a year. She would initially work on a part time basis. It was great to stop rushing around and doing everything and start to share the load again. Chaplaincy is such a charged environment to work in that I don’t think anyone should ever work on their own for long periods of time without extremely good reason and very frequent and effective supervision.

My mini thought for the week was beginning to capture people’s imagination. Several staff had heard about it and complained that they didn’t get to see it because they didn’t pass the notice board outside the chapel. I had discussed it with the manager who was managing me during my colleagues absence and she suggested something might be able to be done on the hospitals computer system. I then talked about it with IT and they had told me it could be done, and when they could, they’d drop by the office and show me how to put it on the intranet.

Several weeks passed and then the guy from IT suddenly had a free space and showed up one morning. This medium proved to be effective and the thoughts became quite popular receiving over 100 hits per week right from the start. I saw it as a way of reaching out to people who might not ask for a chaplain or who might not know about the work we could do. So attached to each thought there would also be a little snippet about the service. It was an easy way to raise awareness and promote the work we do. Unfortunately my senior colleague didn’t like this new development and the thoughts were stopped. I think that’s a great shame.

It can be difficult when colleagues come from different perspectives. As my colleague was senior to me I had to abide by her wishes. I guess her coming back was also to have its challenges.

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