Saturday, 21 July 2018

Rebel Rev loves the NHS

Dear All,

I can’t believe I’m still in this hot little hospital room. I’ve been stuck here for nearly 2 weeks during all this lovely weather. Since me and Eric the cyclops(my drip and pump stand) have been attached, the last 72hrs, I haven’t been able to go outside. 

The plan in to try and sedate me again Monday lunchtime. The problem is the protocol for sedation for this procedure dictates that the maximum amount of medazolam you can have is 5mgs. When I’ve needed sedation previously for other things they have had to give me between 10 and 20mgs of medazolam. Fingers crossed that they are brave enough to step outside their protocol and treat the individual before them. 

Despite the challenges the TPN is doing its stuff and I’m steadily putting weight back on. Appetite is still poor but maybe slightly improved. My poor legs and feet keep swelling and because Eric works all night as well as all day I ended up getting up to pee every 2 hours. That’s so unusual for me. 

The staff on this ward are lovely. There’s only been one person who let them down and she was an agency nurse who obviously didn’t want to work. The rest of them work their socks off. From the ward hostess to the cleaners as well as the nurses and doctors , all of them are dedicated hard working professional friendly people. It’s just such a shame that staffing levels can’t be maintained and this agency nurse really let the side down. Other bank and agency staff have been great. I’m very grateful for the care and compassion that is shown to me. It makes a difficult time that bit easier. Thank you. 

Where ever you are and what ever you’re doing have a lovely weekend and get up to some mischief for me. 

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